Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Note Making and Summarising- Lesson plan

Class: XI B  XI C                  Subject: English                                Chapter: Note-making and Summarising                              Number of Periods: 03
Date of Commencement: 18 July 2019   Expected date of Completion: 20 July 2019          Actual Date of Completion: _______________________
Gist of the Lesson/ Focussed Skills/ Competencies
Targeted Learning Outcomes (TLO)
Teaching-Learning Activities Planned for achieving the TLO using suitable resources and classroom management strategies
Assessment Strategies Planned
Note making is not just about writing down everything you hear or read. It is a process of reviewing, connecting and synthesising ideas from your lectures or reading.
All good notes should contain:
  • source information (title, author, date etc)
  • headings to help you identify the key topics
  • key points, examples, names, new ideas
  • triggers to make your notes more memorable – such as mnemonics, colour or drawings
  • further reading and ideas to follow up later.

Reading, writing
Making notes helps students to:
  • stay active and engaged during your lectures, reading and revision
  • understand what you are learning and clarify your thinking
  • be selective and identify key ideas
  • remember the material
  • organise your ideas and make connections
  • plan and structure written assignments
  • review and revise before exams.

Students will be told about the three stages of note making-

  1. Before: Prepare by finding out what you need to know and what the purpose of the reading or lecture is.
  2. During: Note down main ideas and keywords. Find techniques that work for you. Identify the main headings and sub headings.
  3. After: Reflect and review and then organise your notes.
Write a summary of the passage using the notes.
Passages will be given for note-making and summarising. Students will also be told about CBSE evaluation criteria in note-making and summarising.

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