Wednesday, 17 July 2019

The Address- Lesson Plan

Class: XI B & XI C                              Subject: English                                                Chapter: The Address- Marga Minco                      Number of Periods: 04
Date of Commencement: 27 July 2019   Expected date of Completion: 31 July 2019          Actual Date of Completion: _______________________
Gist of the Lesson/ Focussed Skills/ Competencies
Targeted Learning Outcomes (TLO)
Teaching-Learning Activities Planned for achieving the TLO using suitable resources and classroom management strategies
Assessment Strategies Planned
The narrator in the story is a Jewish survivor of the concentration camp of Hitler during the WWII. While others in her family were dead, she survived and came back to her native place in Holland in search of her belongings which had been taken away by Mrs. Dorling from her mother at the start of the war. Mrs. Dorling refuses to recognise the narrator when she reaches to reclaim her belongings. She returns at a later date but decides to forget the address of that lady since those things held no more meaning for her without her mother.
‘The Address’ is all about human predicament that follows war.


-To allow a problem solving: identifying the problem; considering
the options; weighing the pros and cons of each option; reaching
a decision
-To facilitate making connections between similar situations in different storylines/life experiences
-To help learners distinguish different
perspectives; analyzing them; drawing conclusion/s
-To encourage the uncovering of motives absorbing didactics

The learners would be able to enhance their problem solving skills.
They would be able to inculcate the values of determination and will power.
Their Reading skills would be developed.
*      A brief discussion on WWII and concentration camps of Hitler
*      Discussion on aftermath of war

While reading-
*      Silent reading of the story by the students
*      Underlining and discussing difficult portions of the text

Post reading-
*      Discussion on the following-
*      Multitude of emotions in the text- right from betrayal to melancholy
*      Emotional turmoil of the girl
*      Why not to dwell in the past
*      Accepting the reality and moving on
Students will answer the following questions-

o  ‘The Address’ is a touching story of a person who wants to revive her mother’s memory through her belongings but decides to forget about the address where they were kept. Why?
o  Justify the title “The Address”.
o  In what respect was the second visit of the narrator to 46, Marconi Street different from the first one? Did she really succeed in her mission? Give reasons for your answer.
o  Give a brief character sketch of Mrs. S’s daughter.

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